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*Dyscalculia Tutor Training Basic 1-1
201001: Introduction dyscalculia tutor training (6:39)
201002 Required Reading (9:39)
201005: Interventions (10:08)
201006: Short History of Dyscalculia (3:03)
201007: Common signs of Dyscalculia (6:09)
201011: Golden rules of Dyscalculia Tutoring (8:48)
201012: Planning, Organisation, and Documentation (62:54)
201999: Quiz on the introduction
Testing for Dyscalculia
202001 Testing for Dyscalculia (7:57)
202003: Numeracy Screener (7:48)
202004: The Dyscalculia Assessment (5:09)
202004-D: The Dyscalculia Assessment
202006 Math Assessment Reasoning Strategies (6:57)
202007: Panamath (2:09)
202008 online Math and Dyscalculia Screening Test (18:04)
202100: Response To Intervention (24:57)
202100-D Response to Intervention
202500-D balloons Digits completed correctly empty chart
202999: Quiz on Testing for Dyscalculia
Teaching Mathematics
203001: Standards, systems and curriculum (18:10)
203005: Concepts and frame work (22:22)
203007 Assessment Chapter 5 (19:00)
203008 Equity Chapter 6 (18:40)
203009: Technology blessing and curse (23:16)
203999: Quiz on Teaching Mathematics
Math Anxiety
204001: Math Anxiety (16:30)
204001-AV Rules of Thumb (4:26)
204001-D: Rules of Thumb
204005: Math Anxiety, three solutions (15:11)
204005-D Math Anxiety three solutions
204999: Quiz on Math Anxiety
Teaching Basics
205001: Developing early number concepts and number sense (138:09)
205001-AV: First, Second and Third place (5:32)
205001-D: First, Second and Third place
205001 Hidden numbers: a number sense activity with dominoes and a hidden pattern
205001-D additional documents
205002-AV: Patterns from concrete to abstract (8:24)
205002-D: Patterns from concrete to abstract
205003-AV: Number Cards, counting and sorting activity (8:09)
205003-D: Number Cards, counting and sorting activity
205005: Developing meaning for the operations (70:49)
205005-D Developing meaning for the operation
205006: Helping students master the basic facts (98:43)
205006-D: Helping students master the basic facts
205007-AV: Domino Doubles cards (3:15)
205007-D: Domino Doubles cards
205008-AV: Domino Doubles plus one (4:59)
205008-D: Domino Doubles plus one
205009-AV Rekenrek (13:59)
205009-D Rekenrek
205010: Visual Spatial Activities (1:25)
205010-AV: Symmetry Activity, looking left and right (5:57)
205010-D: Symmetry Activity, looking left and right
205011-AV: Pegboards (6:39)
205011-D: Pegboards
205012-AV: Ruler Number-Sense activity (5:04)
205012-D: Ruler Number-Sense activity
205009 D: OverviewMultiplication and Division for Visual Learners
205999: Quiz on teaching basics
207001: Developing whole number place value concepts (32:06)
207001-AV: Numberline addition and subtraction (9:52)
207001-D(2): Numberline addition and subtraction
207002-AV: Place Value Discs (13:19)
207002-D: Place Value Discs
207005: Developing strategies for addition and subtraction computation (44:19)
207005-AV: Number Talks
207005-D: Domino doubles and one more
207009: Developing strategies for multiplication and division computation (54:02)
207009-AV: Dominoes make nine activity and game (5:19)
207009-D: Dominoes make nine activity and game
207010 Happy Hundred and Tweaky Twelve (13:32)
207999: Quiz on numbers
Developing your plan
208001 From Test to Intervention (17:29)
Final words
221001: Final Exam Preparation
221005: Your certificate the rights and requirements
221009: Conclusion (4:20)
205007-D: Domino Doubles cards
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