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Dyscalculia for Dyslexia Tutors (Dys4Dys)
Introduction (11:35)
What is the same (module 1)
Brain development (9:55)
Terminology (13:12)
Intervention practices (8:22)
What is different (module 2)
History (8:06)
Legal Environment (10:10)
Complexity (6:30)
Detection and Assessment (module 3)
Checklists and warning signs (13:04)
Math difficulty | Learning difference | Learning disability (5:42)
Available assessments (15:40)
Free tools and options (15:25)
Accommodations and Modifications (16:13)
Take advantage of what you already know (module 4)
Intervention techniques (9:33)
Teamwork and Goal clarity (9:04)
Language confusion (7:11)
RTI (6:47)
New tools you will need (module 5)
It is not about the tool, it is about the talk (9:30)
Cuisenaire rods (14:58)
Numicon (3:00)
Ten frames (3:04)
Base ten blocks (4:46)
Rekenrek (17:01)
Number board (2:59)
Pegboards (6:34)
Shiller box (11:58)
Number lines (8:56)
Online tools (14:14)
Dr Schreuder's approach (module 6)
Standing on the shoulders of Giants (17:19)
Golden rules for interventions (35:26)
Demonstrations by Dr Schreuder (module 6 cont'd)
Counting dot patterns and written numerals KG-1st (70:22)
Number bonds 1st (63:22)
Place value grade 1-2 (24:05)
Add and Subtract 1-2 (44:25)
Multiply and divide 2-3 (58:39)
Fractions 2-3 (7:14)
Symmetry 2-3 (5:58)
What comes next (module 7)
What comes next (6:00)
Checklists and warning signs
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