Dyscalculia for Dyslexia Tutors (Dys4Dys)
A transition training for dyslexia tutors who also want to support their students with their troubles with basic math.
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People with Dyslexia often also have the math learning disability or Dyscalculia. It works great if the tutor they already know and trust, can help them with both their Dyslexia and their Dyscalculia. Many tutors though have a specialization in Dyslexia and do not feel prepared to help their students with Dyscalculia. Dr Schreuder has recognized this issue and provides a Transition Training to help Dyslexia tutor get ready to also help their students with Dyscalculia.
You get introduced to new vocabulary, tools, manipulatives, templates and games. The training is flooded with video examples of interventions and the right way of using the manipulatives, enough to get started. Dr Schreuder is very committed to this training and always happy to answer any questions, should you get stuck with helping your student.
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Awareness, Communication, Research and Remediation of Dyscalculia, the forgotten Math Learning Disability, is the mission of Dyscalculia Services. We are excited to offer courses online to train teachers and other interested people to work as Dyscalculia Tutors and Specialists.